Sustainable Cities and Communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Visit 60

University Performances

Art and Culture Performances

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Art and Culture Performances

Related SDGs 11 17
Supporting Activities for Repairing Residential Properties

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Supporting Activities for Repairing Residential Properties

Related SDGs 01 10 11 17
The Plant Genetic Conservation Project Center under the royal initiative of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn

Sustainable Cities and Communities

The Plant Genetic Conservation Project Center under the royal initiative of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn

Related SDGs 06 11 13 14 15
Duriyanat Art and Culture Gallery

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Duriyanat Art and Culture Gallery

Related SDGs 11
KPRU MOOC for Lifelong Learning

Quality Education

KPRU MOOC for Lifelong Learning

Related SDGs 04 11
Environmental Management Policy

Responsible Consumption and Production

Environmental Management Policy

Related SDGs 06 07 11 12 13 14 15
KPRU SDGs Report 2022

Partnerships for the goals

KPRU SDGs Report 2022

Related SDGs 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
KPRU SDGs Report 2021

Partnerships for the goals

KPRU SDGs Report 2021

Related SDGs 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Book Maintenance for Local Students

Quality Education

Book Maintenance for Local Students

Related SDGs 04 11
Memorandum of Understanding between Geoinformatics and Government Department

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Memorandum of Understanding between Geoinformatics and Government Department

Related SDGs 11 17
Electric Vehicle Station

Affordable and Clean Energy

Electric Vehicle Station

Related SDGs 07 11 13
The Buddha Image Shrine

Sustainable Cities and Communities

The Buddha Image Shrine

Related SDGs 11
Library: Learning Centre

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Library: Learning Centre

Related SDGs 04 11
Music festival in honor of His Majesty the King

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Music festival in honor of His Majesty the King

Related SDGs 11 17
Pedestrian and Disability Support on Campus

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Pedestrian and Disability Support on Campus

Related SDGs 05 10 11
Sarn Sue Sin Journal

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Sarn Sue Sin Journal

Related SDGs 11
An Initiative to Foster Excellence in the Arts and Culture

Sustainable Cities and Communities

An Initiative to Foster Excellence in the Arts and Culture

Related SDGs 11
Art and Culture Standardization

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Art and Culture Standardization

Related SDGs 11
Research in Arts and Culture Support

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Research in Arts and Culture Support

Related SDGs 11
Modern Arts and Culture Student Competition

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Modern Arts and Culture Student Competition

Related SDGs 11
Arts and Culture Collaboration Project

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Arts and Culture Collaboration Project

Related SDGs 11 17
KPRU SDGs Report 2020

Partnerships for the goals

KPRU SDGs Report 2020

Related SDGs 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Environmentally Friendly Library

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Environmentally Friendly Library

Related SDGs 07 11 15
Affordable Residence related work

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Affordable Residence related work

Related SDGs 01 09 11 12 15
Remote Working Regulations

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Remote Working Regulations

Related SDGs 08 11
Bike Service and Univerity Vehicle Use

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Bike Service and Univerity Vehicle Use

Related SDGs 03 11 13 15
Language and Culture camp: stories from the local

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Language and Culture camp: stories from the local

Related SDGs 01 02 11
Dance and Music Festival for World Heritage Tourism

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Dance and Music Festival for World Heritage Tourism

Related SDGs 11 17
The 7th Youth ASEAN Dance

Sustainable Cities and Communities

The 7th Youth ASEAN Dance

Related SDGs 11 17
Green space for public use

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Green space for public use

Related SDGs 11 13 15
Measures on Supporting Low Income Students

No Poverty

Measures on Supporting Low Income Students

Related SDGs 01 04 05 11